Why was this site created?
Many people ask the question, "Why was this
site created?" Well I have the answer. I created this site
because I felt like it! And not many people have why was this
site created links.
Just kidding. Well, that too kind of. But this is mostly the
real reason. It's because I love Spat! I've been liking Hamtaro
for a long time and only for a few years have I liked Spat. Sad
indeed I know. This is all how it came to be. After collecting
all of the Hamtaro figures, I came across something that looked
like a devil and someting that looked like an angel. I didn't
know there real names so I just named them devil and angel. While
I was at my grandma's house with my 2 cousins I played Hamtaro
with 1 of them. My cousin pointed to "devil and angel"
and said, "That one is Spat. He's evil. That ones Harmony,
she's good." After that day Spat was my favorite character.
I started to learn about Ham Ham Heartbreak and that Spat breaks
them and Harmony fixes them. (My cousin told me that too) The
reason I added Harmony in is because her and Spat make a great
couple, not boss and harmony, and that Harmony is my cousins favorite
character. Also, Not many people like Spat. They think that he's
mean or ugly or they don't know who him and Harmony are. Well,
I want you to like Spat and Harmony and learn who they are. So
as I sat in front of my computer earlier, June 17, 2005, I began
to think that I should make a Harmony and Spat web site! So here
I am, making it. Hope that you enjoy!!