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The Harmony Page

This is the Harmony page. You can learn all about Harmony here.

Name: Harmony
Japanese name: Angel-Chan
About Her: Harmony is the angel hamster. She helps all the Ham Hams with there problems with Spat. She shoots love shots at hams who need it. She loves love, unlike Spat, and hates it when Spats play tricks on people. Harmony floats around saving Hams everywhere! Harmony is very good.
What I think of her: I think that Harmony is very good. She's kinda pretty, but not my favorite. There's not much for me to say about her.
Looks: Harmony is all white. She has two little angel wings wich allow her to fly. She has a septer (or cepter however u spell it) with a star on the tip. She has eye lashes which shows her beauty. She has a band that goes around the top part of her head with a star in the middle. And to top it all off, She has a hailoe(however you spell that too) on the top of her head. She's a girl, too. You probably know that.

There isn't a lot of pictures of Harmony in the world.
But enjoy what I got for ya. The ones down low are from google.

I got this icon from Hamuchan. Isn't she pretty? Awwwww!! Harmony has come to the rescue and to see Hamtaro and Bijou's love.Nice!!! Harmony has all her accessories! All need a little heartbreak. nice picture...

No I am not joking. This is storys for Harmony ONLY. You can do like her life or how she came to be. Be creative! Send the storys to me!! My email is hamfan@nc.rr.com