My Journal
Ham Ham feeling:Howdy
My feeling: Happy
Date: Sept. 25, 2005
About my week: Well, yesterday I went to see The Phantom of the
Opera on broadway. The play was fabulous. During intermission
my mom and I went to a shop to by a shirt. We asked the sales
lady if the cast members would come out and sign autographs. The
lady said probably not. I was pretty sad. I went back and saw
the rest of the play which was so cool. At the end my mom and
friends went to the stage door just to see if the people might
come out. The girl who played Christine came out and a few other
cast members came out. Then a guy came out and said that The Phantom
will not be coming out. I saw it coming so my mom asked Christine
to take in a few things for him to sign. then she came out and
told us to come in. I went BACK STAGE and saw The Phantom!!! It
was SO cool. He signed some things and he had the weird stuff
on his face and he said I could touch it... It felt like a sponge!
Then he said that we could take a tour of the stage! It was SO
awesome. We kinda went behind the scenes. It was REALLY fun. He
was really nice. I miss him now that everything is over:( He was
the BEST Phantom in the whole world.... Oh well. It was awesome.
I had asked my mom earlier of what the chances are of going back
stage. She basically said 10%. That 10% happened! Well, we saw
how he got up to the ceiling on the stage and the monkey music
box. We saw the dumby that was supposed to be the guy who got
hung. It was weird talking to him because on stage, the last time
I saw him, he was like crying and stuff. Then I come to meet him
and he's like Hey! How are ya? Touch my face!! It was SO fun and
I can't wait to go back again:)
Ham Ham feeling: Panda
My feeling: Content
Date: August 1-7, 2005
About my week: Hello everyone! I was gone for a week and this
is how it went. I arrived with my best friend Vivian and a little
girl named Skyler wasn't there. Me and Viv wanted her to come
so she did the next day. We went shopping and I bought a pair
of chucks and a livestrong. Then for food we had Subway!! I love
that restaurant. Skyler was SO bad though!!! She screamed so loudly
that it was embarasing! So then we went home. The next day we
stayed at home being really bored. But we did take Skyler to a
park. (She's young you know) Then the next day we went to a Wild
Animal Park. We fed like Zebras and Camals and llamas and reindeer,
ect. Also I got really disy when we took Skyler to the petting
zoo. I was dizzy and nautious and stuff. I think I had a heat
stroke. It was horrible. I rushed to the hospital and had surgery
and- Just kidding;). I was ok. Then we went to my uncles house.
We went on a divning board there!!!! I've never been on one in
my life! I did flips and dives and turns and it was REALLY fun.
The next day, Skyler had a party that was really boring. Me and
Vivian were watching tv the whole time. I also slept:) It was
really piecful. Then we went to the science meusam. I built a
pyramid with building blocks, too. There's also a shadow picture
thingy. You press a button and it takes a picture of your shadow.
It was super! Then we went to a dinosaur thing. Me and Vivin had
fun even though the place needed help. Serious help. It was cool.
I could like ride on a fake dinosaur and stuff. Then the next
day we went to amazing square. It's a place somewhere. BUT IT
WAS SO COOL! It was basically one big jungle gym. The basement
was my favorite. There was a little tumbling mat and I did my
back hand spring! Also there was a fake recording studio. I played
the electric guitar. I don't know how to play but Vivian said
that I sounded really good!!!!!! Well, The next day I went back
to my house and found out my site is LOOSING ITSELF!!!!!!!!! I
still love my little baby:) Uh.... that's it:)
???????????? |
Ham Ham feeling: Dunno
My feeling: Dunno
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2005
About my day: Today was hard. I went to bed at like 1:00 watching
phantom of the opera and I had to wake up at 8:30 for my little
sisters dicter apointment. I had to go. So it wasn't fun.
But the day got better as it progressed. My friend and I looked
at dresses and she couldn't find anything so we decided to make
our own. It didn't turn out so well 'cause I'm not the best drawer
in the world. So anyways, my bestest aunt ever gave me the bestest
gift ever!!! She went to see the most favorite phantom of the
opera ever in London. She had a playbill signed by the most famous
phantom that there is!!!! Michael Crowford!!!! Aren't I so lucky?
Yah sorry. I also got the phantom soundtrack!!! Andddddddddddddd
I listened to it twice! So I'm going out of town until Sunday.
Hope my hotel is good! See ya.
Ham Ham feeling: Snoozer
My feeling: Tired
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2005
About my day: Well, like last time, I woke up to late. So my
dad was late for work. When I got there, I started coloring wating
for the thing to open. (Coloring was actually kind fun!) So it
opened and we did stretches. I was so sore from yesterday and
so tired that I could barley do the stretches. After the stretches,
The teacher split us up in the little kid group and the 4 older
girls. We did back-hand-springs but unfortinatley, It wasn't as
good as last time. My teacher said that there wasn't something
right about what I was doing. So I haven't mastered my back-hand-spring
yet. Sooooo, there's this girl who wants to be my friend. I won't
say her name, but lets pretend that it's Adreane. (sorry to everyone
who's name is that) She's all close to me and everything, but
she's young. She also doesn't speak right. Anyways, I like her
ok.... I like Sammy better. So tomorrows my last day and I'll
be really bored from then on. So maybe tomorrow my back-hand-spring
will be better. Talk to yall later! Bye-Q
Ham Ham feeling: Cappy
My feeling: Excited!!
Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2005
About my day: Well, today started out really bad. My dad came
to wake me up for gymnastics camp at 7:50 A.M. Gymnastics starts
at 9:00. I said, "Ok ok! I'm coming..." My dad went
away. I soon fell right back to sleep. Then I woke up at 8:15.
"REBECCA!! YOUR NOT READY????" Said my dad. "I'm
sorry I'll get ready..." My dad went off. You all are probably
thinking I went to sleep again. Well, I didn't. I got dressed
and brushed my teeth and combed my hair and got a snack for the
road. I got to gymnastics camp and I went to the floor. Luckily,
my teacher split all the little kids with a teacher and the older
kids with another teacher. It wasn't boring like yesterday. So
we went to trampoline and played boring games. Then it was snack
time. Then we set off to the foam pit! That's when my teacher
asked me, "Have you ever thought of trying out for the junior
team?" I said, "No, I never thought I was good enough."
She said, "Well, you should think about it." So anyways,
that made me feel good. Soon it was time for the full dayers to
go do "color time". All the older kids stayed with a
teacher and practiced back-hand-springs. (You jump backwards,
land on your hands and pull you feet over and land) First we did
it on this barell type thing. There were sides and we were supposed
to put our back on the opposite side of us. I was the only one
who could do it out of 4 girls. My teacher moved me to spotting
me with my hands. Then I got good at that and she told me to do
it by myself. I was so excited, yet scared, when she said that
because I wanted to learn a back-hand-spring soooooo badly. I
did it by myself and it worked!! I did it perfectly on the mat.
I was so amazed. Then all was over. Everyone gathered together
in a little circle and showed everyone what we learned today.
I showed everyone my back-hand-spring. My mom was there at the
time and fell to the floor. She was amazed. Then my teacher who
said about the junior team talked to my mom to tell her. And my
gymnastic's places team is the best one in the state!! My mom
said it was a HUGE compliment. So did my dad. Well, by the end
of the week I'll be able to do a bach-hand-spring!!!!!!!! I'M
SO EXCITED!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! It feel great to be me:)