About Me
Hello! You all are probably wondering all about wonderful me!
Well here I am!!
Name: My name is Rebekah
Name on web: Inbi
Hair Color: I have Brown hair
Eye Color: Have have beautiful Blue eyes
Which Hand: I'm a Right person
Accent: Southern. That means I say leg like layg. Pretty funny
I know.
Location: USA. I don't wanna put my state=)
Everyday Clothing: A pair of jeans with a black, red, or orange
Pets: I have a cat names K.T.(also known as Katy)and a hamster
named Evi. (eve-eye)
Hobbies: I like drawing, gymnastics, web designing, dancing, chatting,
and eating
My Favorites:
Favorite saying: Coolio to th ying yang fashizzle!!!!!!
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite movie: PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ROCKS!!!!!!!! Pirates of
the Carrabean, and The Sponge Bob movie.
Favorite TV show: Hamtaro, Yu-gi-oh, and Sponge Bob
Favorite Hamtaro episode: When Boss gets sea sick when he take
Bijou out. It's so funny!!!
Favorite Hamtaro game boy game: I've only played to of them:(
But I think I like Ham Ham Heartbreak better.
Favorite Hamtaro Character: Spat and Harmony (obviously)
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Candy: Smarties
My Least Favorites:
Least favorite saying: I don't have one.
Leat favorite food: Green Beans
Least favorite movie: Titanic... It was so sad...
Least favorite TV show: I don't have cable any more so I kinda
Least favorite Color: Pale Pink
Least favorite Hamtaro episode: When Hamtaro gets lost and it
takes him for like ever to get back. It's sad:(
Favorite Hamtaro game boy game: Ham Hams Unite. It's kinda boring
now that I've played it for like 100 times.
Least favorite Hamtaro Character: I love 'em all!!!
Least favorite candy: Wax. That is a candy!!!
Well, I think that your pretty informed about myself. Bye!!!!!!!